
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

When I think of third world hunger I never thought of the mindset behind the hunger. Unknowingly, I was put into that mind set. Over the last month I was stuffing my face every time I saw food. Each time I saw a team mate with food I would become jealous. Now being human I saw this same pattern with the kids at the care point but not in myself. The kids at the care point become  very jealous when they see another kids with some thing that they do not have. We were told to never give someone a gift unless you have one for everyone; because as they walk home they can be beat up by other kids who want what they have. Now I did’t think about my own part in this mind set until I was speaking with my team leader Sarah. Sarah said that we get in this mindset of survival. We are not in control of our food so we think we are not going to get enough, even though we are being fed soooooo well. (We eat Swazi meals every night! Not to rub it in they are delicious) back to the main point. I can now  understand the jealousy and poverty mindset a bit better because the Lord aloud me to live in it for a short while. When your first thought of the day is about food and providing for your family you can become very jealous of others. After speaking with Sarah I saw the fault in me. I can now have more grace with the kids and love on them more. The kids are so sweet and they do care for each other well. I thank God for allowing me to be here and know these people!“